Stop Spending Your Weekends
Working On Assessments

Generate and Grade assessments in seconds, so you can focus on
what matters the most: TEACHING

Reclaim Your Time - try for free  >

Generate Your Assessments in Seconds

Create effective assessments quickly and easily.

Class Wizard’s Assessment Builder lets you generate a variety of high-quality assessments in seconds—whether it’s multiple-choice, essays, ordering tasks, or fill-in-the-blanks. Each assessment is aligned with your course content, ensuring it accurately reflects what your students have learned.

“Class Wizard lets me build assessments in no time, perfectly aligned with what my students have learned.”
Emily Parker, High School Teacher, Chicago


Reclaim Hours with Automated Grading

Tired of grading taking up too much time?

Class Wizard’s automated grading tools evaluate student submissions instantly, whether it's essays, quizzes, or assignments. Get preliminary grades immediately, freeing up your time for more meaningful interactions with your students.

“Class Wizard cuts down my workload, letting me spend more time actually teaching”
Ethan Radinsky, Online Course Creator, London

Support Students with Personalized Exercises

Help your students actively reinforce their learning.

Class Wizard functions as a "learning gym", allowing students to test their knowledge with personalized exercises tailored to their learning path and zone of proximal development (ZPD). It adapts to each student’s progress, building confidence and mastery.

”My students can generate their own exercises at home to better prepare for their exams.”
Linda Chen, High School Teacher, Toronto


Gain Actionable Insights from Assessments

Turn assessment data into actionable insights.

Class Wizard automatically analyzes individual and class-wide performance to identify strengths and areas for improvement. Track student progress across multiple assessments and get the feedback needed to enhance teaching and learning outcomes.

“Class Wizard gives me clear insights into both individual and class performance.”
David Patel, Secondary School Teacher, London

Integrate Seamlessly with Your LMS

Integrate Class Wizard without disrupting your workflow.

Class Wizard’s LTI 1.3 integration seamlessly connects with your existing LMS, including Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, and D2L Bright space. Teachers and students can use Class Wizard without having to learn new tools or change existing processes.

”We integrated Class Wizard with Canvas in one day and we saw immediate benefits.”
Linda Chen, High School Teacher, Toronto


Automate Student Q&A for Instant Responses

Easily manage repetitive student questions.

Class Wizard automates 80-90% of student inquiries, allowing you to focus on content creation. For remaining questions, we notify you at your preferred time for easy responses. The platform learns from your answers to automate future responses to similar questions.

“Class Wizard has drastically reduced the time I spend answering questions, and the cost of hiring assistants.”
Joan Andersen, Online Course Creator, Boston

Automate, Assess, and Support

Features designed to make teaching more efficient and learning more engaging

Assessment Builder

Create customized quizzes, tests, and assignments based on type, length, and difficulty

Integrated Assessment Submission

Students complete and submit their assessments directly within the platform

LMS Integration

Integrate seamlessly with Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, and D2L Bright space

Automated Student Q&A

Provide accurate answers based on lecture contentinstantly, supporting continuous learning

Assessment Pre-Grading

Assessments are automatically pre-graded for you as soon as students submit them

Teacher Dashboard(coming soon)

Analyze student questions and performance to refine your teaching approach.

Support for All Content Types

Accommodate any type of content you use, including audio, video, text, PDFs, PPTs, and more

Multilingual Support (coming soon)

Enable students to interact in their preferred language for a more inclusive experience.

Reclaim Your Time - try for free >

Simple pricing,
tailored to your needs.

Start your free trial today, no credit card required.

Teacher / Tutor

Create and grade in seconds, without hassle!

$29 USD/month
  • Unlimited Assessment Builder
  • Integrated Assessment Submission
  • Assessment Pre-Grading
  • Support for All Content Types
  • Teacher Dashboard (Coming Soon)
  • Multilingual Support (Coming Soon)
Start for Free
School / Online Course

Comprehensive Solutions for Teams

Contact Us
  • Unlimited Assessment Builder
  • LMS Integration
  • Automated Student Q&A
  • Branded Interface
  • Support for All Content Types
  • Teacher Dashboard (Coming Soon)
  • Student-Generated Exercises (Coming Soon)
  • Multilingual Support (Coming Soon)
Enquire Now